Friday, August 27, 2004

Got to love the Favorite Attack of the enemy

You know as we get into the word of the Lord we learn what God says about us and how He judges us. Satan knows that as we start to grow we begin to see what God says and like it says in scripture the truth shall set you free. So he attacks us with a barage of memeries and lies, these are very damaging. As most of you know my history with the Hell's Angels and other gangs you can imagine the stuff I have done in my life and the conviction I sometimes feel for my crimes. One time I strangled a man almost to death I left him passed out on the street leaving him for dead all because I was having a bad night. That image haunts me still but you know what I know I am forgiven for it by both him and by God so when the condemnation comes I start with the truth. I am a new person the old me is dead. I am a son of God and created in His image. His blood has washed me whiter then snow. There is there for no further condemnation for that was the old me and he died I rose with Christ and am free. I am sinless, guiltless and best of all without blemish the blood of christ covered them all.

Now a lot of you are saying wow Eric you are sure full of your self and you know what I am because that is what the word says about me. If I were to think about being a lowly sinner, (which I was b4 I was saved) I would be losing the battle to sin, but as a son of God I want to be like my daddy and not sin, I do slip up a lot but He is faithful and just that if we confess our sins He will forgive them and was us from all unrighteousness. So that brings us to this again if we no longer have any unrighteousness in us what are we? Think about it and let it sink in!
Good night guys and God bless you all Bros and sisters
Peace out

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

JE ne suis pas! Na Ka! I Don't know

What else is there to say in the midst of caos then Lord I don't know. Help me and carrie me through it.

I remember my old pastor talking about times of trial and hardship and he would point out that nowhere in schripture does it say that He will deliver us from it but will help us through it. The key word is through it!! While he was taking parimedic training he pointed out that if you look at the obstical in your way look at where you want to go. Same with in a nascar when a driver goes through and accident scene he just goes strait through and that is often the safest path to go in. We need to go strait through with no breaks and come out the other side of adversity. Through this time of change for us all. I know I'm not the only one who is going through this. Some of you have told me personally others have put it in your blogs. Remember as much as we miss people they are with us in our hearts and most of us are only an email away.

Even knowing that God will carry us seems to be little solist for us in this time just keep going it will get easier and yeah take tie for crying with out tears we get angry so cry and weep. Hey remember the easiest verse in the bible to remember Jesus Wept. Jesus wept; wow our GOd and savior wept; guess that makes it ok for us to cry too eh guys. Considdering our God wept.

Oh well tonight there are more thoughts I need to type but not to the public so I guess I'm off to timmies for a late night coffee and to start a journal to collect my thoughts for the first time in my life and hey maybe take up song writing again. Good night and God bless


P.S. now is the time to let the tears fly not the tempers and other emotions drain the flood b4 it drains you.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

ever get the feeling of deja view?

I know I did today big time wow Pastor mal preached on Jacob fighting with God today and the interesting thing about that is I was at the church wrestling with God when he was at home writing his sermon. That is the greatness of the Lord. I mean He knew what was going on and He passed it on to Mal.

Well today was sad it marked the last Sunday with our worship team as we know it from now on it will be Julie by herself guess I'll have to put mics in the audience what do you guys think? Good idea and would it work? lol Seriously thou I guess it is another chapter in our lives. I will miss you 5. I know that He will guide your paths and make your way strait.

Guess it will be a short one today I'm tired and need my sunday afternoon nap. Talk to you all later.


I think I understand how Jacob felt after wrestling with God

First of all a big kudos goes out to the Ladies for a great concert!!! You guys were awesome!!

Which brings us to today I planned on going to FCC to clean up the equiptment from last nights concert but was sort of procrastinating, when the phone rang it was Mal asking me if I would like a ride to the church today to work on the equiptment. It was like ok Lord I will go now. We headed out to his place first and worked on his PC to get it working ok. Then off to the church to put the speakers up then I was left alone to Finnish the job which is how I like to work sometimes that way I can do it the way I like to.

The work that was left for me to do was just running stuff upstairs and plugging in a few cords, but I wasn't expecting a lecture from God I mean yeah I was in a church and all but usually it is the pastor that give the lecture isn't it? Any ways I heard God saying to me, "Eric, why are you feeling alone? Don't you know I am here with you? Tell me what's bothering you Eric. I want to know." I ended up spending all afternoon in prayer and worship I mean I feel sorry for the neighbors who had to har me make a joyful noise but the Lord demanded it and I gave it to Him.

I cried out to Him saying, "Lord why am I here and why did you ask me to leave my friends and family and church? I want to go home!!!"

He responded " Eric you are to build my church and don't you know unless you hate your friends, family, and church you can not serve me. I need you to be committed to me not just to you and your emotions. Do you not know that my grace is sufficient enough to carry you through, Eric?"

Need less to say it was just what I needed and it took me by surprise, big time. I started to sing once again at the top of my lungs with arms raised high praising my God. It was awe inspiring. From now on I don't care how people look at me, Lord you will have my best every time of praise and worship because God you are my King and my Lord. It's not about me or them it's all for you and I will worship you lifting up holy hands to your glory and with tongues when you so inspire them.

Thank you Father for today and for reminding me that You are in the drivers seat not me.

While I was biking home from FCC I had a feeling God wanted to show me something on the highway or avoiding something on the trail either way I felt I needed to take the road and as I approached the cemetery I felt an urge to turn in there it was weird. Needless to say I turned in to the cemetery and road around slowly reading the head stones. I saw people that lived a long time and people who lived only until 10, 23 or 30; I guess this was lesson # 2 to live each day as if it's your last and not to put off till tomorrow what needs to be done today.

Right after the cemetery I figure ok God that's what you wanted to show me.

Nope try again Eric your still going on the highway.
But Lord that is one big hill and I won't make it up it on my bike!
Sure you will remember what I said to you an hour ago Eric about my grace being sufficient I am going to show you that it is and that I will carry you through these tough times. Depend on me Eric!

I made it up the hill with out stopping or walking the bike! God is so awesome when we trust Him!

There that's my interesting day hope you all have on like that soon!!


P.S. If any of you want to share with me your experiences with feeling homesick and how you delt with it please do it would help immensely!! Thanks

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Wow what a day and what inspiration today

So ya I just walked in the door after watching a chick flick. Ya I hear you guys snickering in the back ground. It was the princess diaries and man it made me cry and laugh and get angry the whole gambit which means it was a great movie!!

Oh well chick flicks aside I received emails from my 2 friends abroad today Brad and Rachelle they are both doing well in the new environments and it will take some adjusting for them to get used to it but hey I've been here what 5 months now and I'm still getting used to it. I still am trying to find my way through the bush and tend to get lost on the simplest trails, right Chris;) The reason I mention it is the new church that Rachelle is checking out it sounds like my old church in the peg. As a lot of you know I feel I was called to Timmins for ministry and a lot of you know I fly very far to the left wing. I believe that speaking in tongues is very much alive not totally required for evidence of being saved though but alive and well, even though the churches of today try to squash the work of God and keep us a sniffling little bunch of cowards.

I came to bring boldness like you have never seen out in timmins and faith like granit. We are called to be meek!! What does meek mean you ask? It's the word that the Romans used to describe their war horses. It meant that they would obey the simplest tug on the reigns. Are you being meek tonight? When God says jump do you say how high or do you jump. See when you ask how high you aren't listening to the command you have been given He said jump not ask but do it!! Yeah I know that's harsh but it's so true we need to respond to the Lords calling immediately after all He is the King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and The commander of the Armies of both Heaven and Earth and commands us to obey Him. What about freedom of choice you say? Well those that aren't for Him they are against Him! Are you for Him today? Or are you serving the dark snake that He defeated?

The Lord spoke to me before leaving the peg saying Eric I want you to go to Timmins and build a lighthouse like the people of the north have never seen. One that people will flock to and be saved. Something to reach all people in Timmins and to teach His word to be a church that plants churches through out the north and raises hope and to bring life back to this dyeing community. It is time we quit worshipping the thief and worship the King! Jesus Himself said "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [1] overflows)." John 10:10 and also [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]-- To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

I mean wow strong verses or what if it is His will and you are doing His work nothing and I do mean nothing will stand in your way!! It is time for us brothers and sisters to say Satan you sniffling little imp get out of town!! This town belongs to the Lord!! Now is the time the fields are white and ready for Him. People say come quickly Lord but I say whoa not yet we can reach more people. As Nike says Just do it!!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The power of confession

I'm assuming by now you all know what's been eating away at me. So I'm hoping I don't need to go into the details of it all. I will however expand on it and let you know the power of confession not just to God but public confession and the power of asking for forgivness.

Late Thursday night I was feeling really low and guilty I mean I had published that first blog with out naming names and for all I knew everyone that was heading away for the fall was saying to your selves is it me? I felt that by leaving it anomonis I would be safe but there was a guilt eating at my heart getting deeper and deeper finally after watching the vid on dating I knew what I had to do. I needed to appalogize to Rachelle even though she did not know that this was happenning in my mind.

I took a risk at the prompting of the Spirit although I was afraid of the results. I just new I had to do it, and you know what, it feels so much better knowing that I don't need to be like a thief in the night and that the feelings are out on the table and also the resolve that I'm not going to act on them is also there. Which opens up the door to have true friendship with out any hidden ajendas.

Scripture says "The truth will set you free." and it has done that many times over.

Thank you Rachelle for your compassion, forgivness and friendship. Thank you to the men who helped me through this and didn't knock me down when I came to you for help espeacially you Chris. Thanks bro.

hmm is it time to get down from the soap box yet or should I tackle another issue that's been on my mind? Long or short blog good question guess I got the answer.

Good night and God bless.
Eric Boldt
A bondservant of Jesus Christ

Friday, August 13, 2004

Tears and hugs

The time has come for tears and hugs.
Wierd how attached poeple get to each other
with the pain of heart felt partings
comes the tears and hugs
they mark the end of one chapter
and the beginning of the next one
tears and hugs
I let a few tears slip out for our friend Rachelle tonight as most of you know she is leaving tomorow. I hate good byes a lot but know that with out good byes the hellos would be worthless. I didn't say good bye to her in person but emailed her a good bye.
She has been a huge blessing in my life by praying for me when I was down and asking me with sincerity how I was doing and you know as I talked with a few more people tonight about her leaving and they all have the same stories to be told about Rachelle.
But not only has she been a blessing in the hard times but also in the joyfilled times when I was able to learn how to treat a lady with respect.
As everyone probably guessed the blog earlier is about her. I feel publishing it was an error but heck I'm human and prone to errors.
I know my tears have only just begun to flow as the mass exodus goes on over the month when many of my new found friends head into the next chapter of thier lives, the tears I cry aren't tears of just sorrow, but also of joy in seeing people grow. It's like the beauty of watching a bird take flight after nursing it back to health, or the butterfly finally emerging from the cacoon. It's totally awesome.
Well now that I shared this with everyone I think I need to spend some time in prayer I will see most of you tomorrow at java. untill then enjoy your day

Thursday, August 12, 2004

wow years fly by don't they

It feels like yesterday that I was celibrating winning the provicial champianships with my old football team after a greuling game where just b4 half time the score was 21 nothing against us. We had underestimated our oponent and they were kicking us up and down the field until we remembered that we were the best and started to play like that in the last 2 min b4 half time we got 2 touch downs bringing the score to 21-14 the game ended 45-21 we had claimed our rightful place in that game.

How often do we as christians forget that He that is in us is stronger then he who is with out us. We have to stop giving up and start acting like who we are. We have victory over all foes through Christ who strengthen us. Nothing can stand in our way not depression, drinking, drugs, smoking, greed or even all of the demonic host of satan or the little imp himself; Christ delt with him at the cross when the seed of a woman bruised his headship reclaiming the world as His.

I guess that todays blog is sparked by 2 things one I keep forgetting how old I really am and that you know that golden age when you go from being young to being old 30 it's looming sooner then I wish to admit. A friend reminded me of that last night and yeah I'm no spring chicken any more I can't bench 500 pounds like I used to and I definately can't run to south end in almost a sprint any more. What happenned you guys ask? Life did I got older.

It seems so wierd to say that in 5 months I will be the big 30 and yet my life is where I should have been 12 years ago I got stuck at 18. How did that happen? Where did that time go? I'll tell you it was wasted away with a lifestyle of drugs, booze and loose women. I should be married and be raising my kids right now but the lifestyle choices I have made in the past negate that option.

I try to lie to myself and say that all this failing has taught me something. Then again I guess it has it taught me that with out Jesus living is imposible and even pathetic our as Great King Soloman in all his wisdom said it's all in vain with out God as your driver. Of course there is some paraphrasing in there.

One thing I have gotten good at is motivating people and teaching I know that those are 2 of my gifts I plan on developing them further in the next little while in order to grow in the Lord because I find what I don't teach I lose and you know this stuff was result of the Lord guiding me through years of failure and years of success allong with a plethora of teachers both good and bad; and with the Holy Spirit guiding I know that there will be growth in Timmins like you have never seen in you life churches growing into the hundreds and the Lord's will will be done in Timmins as it is in Heaven.

What is His will you ask. It is that none shall parish but all shall seek His son Jesus and live. How do we do that you ask. Well we share the gospel with them. Why would that work you ask? God's word does not return void it is acceptable for teaching, growing and correction. Not only that but The gospel is litterly the good news. The good news that as Christ so valently put it,"IT is finnished!!" What is it? It is everything once you accepted Christ your sins were forgiven all of them past present and future. Oh my how can you say that Eric? I can say that because when Christ died on the cross all of our sins and I do mean all of them were in the future were they not or am I wrong? I think not.

So what we need to be doing myself included is be rolemodels for society; lamps if you will and shine the light of truth on everyone. Show them that the life under Christ Jesus is way more cool then any thing they have ever seen in thier lives. If that means building churches that cost a fortune then so be it after all everything belongs to our king allready right, and does not our God deserve the better then the money hungry casinos run for the purpose of stealing our joy? He does deserve a lot more then any of us are willing to sacrifice.

Well time to get off my soap box ttyl everyone

Monday, August 09, 2004

Ever meet a person that seems to be the man or lady out of your dreams?

Since coming to timmins I have met a lot of people but one person stands heads and shoulders above the rest when I think of a lady I would like to spend my life with. She not only matches me in intelect, but she is full of thankfulness and has a heart for Christ. Some day she will make a man very happy. I would mention who this person is but I don't feel it would be right because although our goals are the same to bring people to Christ we picture ourselves at other ends of the Earth from each other. My place for now is Timmins. I'm sadenned by this person leaving but she will remain in my prayers each day as she has been since I met her; along with everyone else that is dear to me.

I dare not tell this person how I feel for fear of either rejection or fear of changing plans for either them or me. I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong, but the people that I confided in and asked advise of all told me that keeping it to myself is the best course of action as we all part ways.

But for the unnamed person thank you for helping me to grow and for being a roll model for me.

This is a weird blog isn't it? Here are a few quotes to help illustrate the mangled web of thoughts running through my mind

Ps 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. (NIV)

Prov 31
10A capable, intelligent, and [2] virtuous woman--who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.(4)
11The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of [honest] gain or need of [dishonest] spoil.
12She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her.
17She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task] and makes her arms strong and firm.18She tastes and sees that her gain from work [with and for God] is good; her lamp goes not out, but it burns on continually through the night [of trouble, privation, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt, and distrust].
20She opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy [whether in body, mind, or spirit].
23Her husband is known in the [city's] gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.(8) 25Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; she rejoices over the future [the latter day or time to come, knowing that she and her family are in readiness for it]!
26She opens her mouth in skillful and godly Wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness [giving counsel and instruction].
27She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity) she will not eat.(9)
28Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied); and her husband boasts of and praises her, [saying],
29[3] Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], but you excel them all.
30Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!
31Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city]!(10)

Ecclesiastes 3
1TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
2A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,(1)
3A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,
4A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,
7A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak,(2)
8A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.(3)

Ps 55:22
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. (NIV)

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Parents, Gods blessing to thier kids

You know we never tend to think about mothers till they are gone. Luckily my mom is only 2400 km away and not gone but as I reflect on things my mom has taught me, I have come to realize that she has made me the man I am today. She taught me how to give evn when you can't afford to give she always put other people's needs ahead of her own. And when we needed to be smaked across the head she would do it hating to do it but knowing that if she didn't we would turn out worse then we are now. I look at my sisters and me and we all have giving attitudes and know how to love others. and although I may have been slow at learning it we all know right from wrong.

Then there is my dad he also had a lot to do with who we are today he didn't want us to watch tv which at the time seemed really mean but as I read books on the subject, yeah that's right I said read, I understand that my smarts comes from not rotting my brains watching the morron maker and from working on computers and science kits and of course books.

Both mom and dad supported me while growing up and me I pulled away when I thought I knew it all wow was I ever wrong I made mistake after mistake but you know mom was allways there to support me and I kept getting up. I didn't stop in the middle of hard time or turn to go back I worked hard at making it through and I always had support.

So as sappy as this seems her is a big thank you to mom and dad for making me a man!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

As the Holy Spirit burst forth like the floods through a burst dike

Sounds interesting doesn't it I remember one year in winnipeg we had what was called the flood of the centery and I was just out side of the city sand bagging a house to save it from the flood and the water was rising almost as fast as we were piling them up. soon after we left on the militaty transport thingy the dike gave out and the water rushed in. When we invited Jesus into our lives it was like that and no matter how many dikes we build up after that time to keep Him out he allways finds His way back into our hearts and usually it's like the mighty floods bursting out and the Spirit just washes everything away. It's both a wonderous feeling and scary I mean no matter how much I want to be incontrol and do what I'm not supposed to I can't. It's like the auto pilot on a plane it's set with the flight plans b4 the plane takes off and no matter how hard the pilot tries to pull the yoke off course with in seconds of the pilot letting go of the controls it will return back to it's old course. The only way for the plane to change direction is to reprogram the auto pilot. I find that all the time I spent in the word has changed that auto pilot but I do have to maintain course to because auto pilot alone is no good you need to watch for engine failure and fires and birds while you fly with the Lord. As you grow the attacks on your faith become more and more but He is faithful and just He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able.

This month is going to be an awesome month for growth but it will mixxed with some sorrow because this is going to be the first time that a lot of my friends will be heading off to college. This is a concept that is forein to me because in Winnipeg there is 4 universities and a whole slew of colleges so allmost everyone just goes to one of them. but in a smaller city like timmins every fall the young people change and the dinamics of the groups change so this will be an exciting and a sad time but also a time of rejoicing. Two of my friends have already left to go and they are in my prayers for thier safety and for them to remain in the Lord through the trials of the big city.

Well guess I'm done for the day,
God Bless you all
and remember Our God went through temptation too and He went through unscafed and He live in us so We can too.
A bondservent od the Lord Jesus Christ