Thursday, August 12, 2004

wow years fly by don't they

It feels like yesterday that I was celibrating winning the provicial champianships with my old football team after a greuling game where just b4 half time the score was 21 nothing against us. We had underestimated our oponent and they were kicking us up and down the field until we remembered that we were the best and started to play like that in the last 2 min b4 half time we got 2 touch downs bringing the score to 21-14 the game ended 45-21 we had claimed our rightful place in that game.

How often do we as christians forget that He that is in us is stronger then he who is with out us. We have to stop giving up and start acting like who we are. We have victory over all foes through Christ who strengthen us. Nothing can stand in our way not depression, drinking, drugs, smoking, greed or even all of the demonic host of satan or the little imp himself; Christ delt with him at the cross when the seed of a woman bruised his headship reclaiming the world as His.

I guess that todays blog is sparked by 2 things one I keep forgetting how old I really am and that you know that golden age when you go from being young to being old 30 it's looming sooner then I wish to admit. A friend reminded me of that last night and yeah I'm no spring chicken any more I can't bench 500 pounds like I used to and I definately can't run to south end in almost a sprint any more. What happenned you guys ask? Life did I got older.

It seems so wierd to say that in 5 months I will be the big 30 and yet my life is where I should have been 12 years ago I got stuck at 18. How did that happen? Where did that time go? I'll tell you it was wasted away with a lifestyle of drugs, booze and loose women. I should be married and be raising my kids right now but the lifestyle choices I have made in the past negate that option.

I try to lie to myself and say that all this failing has taught me something. Then again I guess it has it taught me that with out Jesus living is imposible and even pathetic our as Great King Soloman in all his wisdom said it's all in vain with out God as your driver. Of course there is some paraphrasing in there.

One thing I have gotten good at is motivating people and teaching I know that those are 2 of my gifts I plan on developing them further in the next little while in order to grow in the Lord because I find what I don't teach I lose and you know this stuff was result of the Lord guiding me through years of failure and years of success allong with a plethora of teachers both good and bad; and with the Holy Spirit guiding I know that there will be growth in Timmins like you have never seen in you life churches growing into the hundreds and the Lord's will will be done in Timmins as it is in Heaven.

What is His will you ask. It is that none shall parish but all shall seek His son Jesus and live. How do we do that you ask. Well we share the gospel with them. Why would that work you ask? God's word does not return void it is acceptable for teaching, growing and correction. Not only that but The gospel is litterly the good news. The good news that as Christ so valently put it,"IT is finnished!!" What is it? It is everything once you accepted Christ your sins were forgiven all of them past present and future. Oh my how can you say that Eric? I can say that because when Christ died on the cross all of our sins and I do mean all of them were in the future were they not or am I wrong? I think not.

So what we need to be doing myself included is be rolemodels for society; lamps if you will and shine the light of truth on everyone. Show them that the life under Christ Jesus is way more cool then any thing they have ever seen in thier lives. If that means building churches that cost a fortune then so be it after all everything belongs to our king allready right, and does not our God deserve the better then the money hungry casinos run for the purpose of stealing our joy? He does deserve a lot more then any of us are willing to sacrifice.

Well time to get off my soap box ttyl everyone


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