Wednesday, September 20, 2006

well been in the peg for a week or 2

Monday found out that my grandma in Quebec died in June. I don't understand why I didn't get a call as I was living in Quebec at the time she passed on. Then yesterday my other grandma passed on with all of us in the room with her. So I guess in essance you could say I lost 2 grandmas in 2 days. My poor mother lost 2 moms. Visiting her right now she's doing good for having lost her mother and her mother in law in the same week. Please pray for the family that we will be comforted and do the right things in the following months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric , wow its been a long time man ,I hope things are going well for you as you are in the peg for abit. Was wondering when u were heading this direction ( you said something about middle of october)

keep in touch , praying for you and family

12:14 a.m.  
Blogger Rachelle said...

sorry to hear this.

9:54 p.m.  
Blogger A Bondservant of The Lord said...

thx guys

2:06 p.m.  

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