Sunday, August 15, 2004

The power of confession

I'm assuming by now you all know what's been eating away at me. So I'm hoping I don't need to go into the details of it all. I will however expand on it and let you know the power of confession not just to God but public confession and the power of asking for forgivness.

Late Thursday night I was feeling really low and guilty I mean I had published that first blog with out naming names and for all I knew everyone that was heading away for the fall was saying to your selves is it me? I felt that by leaving it anomonis I would be safe but there was a guilt eating at my heart getting deeper and deeper finally after watching the vid on dating I knew what I had to do. I needed to appalogize to Rachelle even though she did not know that this was happenning in my mind.

I took a risk at the prompting of the Spirit although I was afraid of the results. I just new I had to do it, and you know what, it feels so much better knowing that I don't need to be like a thief in the night and that the feelings are out on the table and also the resolve that I'm not going to act on them is also there. Which opens up the door to have true friendship with out any hidden ajendas.

Scripture says "The truth will set you free." and it has done that many times over.

Thank you Rachelle for your compassion, forgivness and friendship. Thank you to the men who helped me through this and didn't knock me down when I came to you for help espeacially you Chris. Thanks bro.

hmm is it time to get down from the soap box yet or should I tackle another issue that's been on my mind? Long or short blog good question guess I got the answer.

Good night and God bless.
Eric Boldt
A bondservant of Jesus Christ


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