Sunday, August 22, 2004

I think I understand how Jacob felt after wrestling with God

First of all a big kudos goes out to the Ladies for a great concert!!! You guys were awesome!!

Which brings us to today I planned on going to FCC to clean up the equiptment from last nights concert but was sort of procrastinating, when the phone rang it was Mal asking me if I would like a ride to the church today to work on the equiptment. It was like ok Lord I will go now. We headed out to his place first and worked on his PC to get it working ok. Then off to the church to put the speakers up then I was left alone to Finnish the job which is how I like to work sometimes that way I can do it the way I like to.

The work that was left for me to do was just running stuff upstairs and plugging in a few cords, but I wasn't expecting a lecture from God I mean yeah I was in a church and all but usually it is the pastor that give the lecture isn't it? Any ways I heard God saying to me, "Eric, why are you feeling alone? Don't you know I am here with you? Tell me what's bothering you Eric. I want to know." I ended up spending all afternoon in prayer and worship I mean I feel sorry for the neighbors who had to har me make a joyful noise but the Lord demanded it and I gave it to Him.

I cried out to Him saying, "Lord why am I here and why did you ask me to leave my friends and family and church? I want to go home!!!"

He responded " Eric you are to build my church and don't you know unless you hate your friends, family, and church you can not serve me. I need you to be committed to me not just to you and your emotions. Do you not know that my grace is sufficient enough to carry you through, Eric?"

Need less to say it was just what I needed and it took me by surprise, big time. I started to sing once again at the top of my lungs with arms raised high praising my God. It was awe inspiring. From now on I don't care how people look at me, Lord you will have my best every time of praise and worship because God you are my King and my Lord. It's not about me or them it's all for you and I will worship you lifting up holy hands to your glory and with tongues when you so inspire them.

Thank you Father for today and for reminding me that You are in the drivers seat not me.

While I was biking home from FCC I had a feeling God wanted to show me something on the highway or avoiding something on the trail either way I felt I needed to take the road and as I approached the cemetery I felt an urge to turn in there it was weird. Needless to say I turned in to the cemetery and road around slowly reading the head stones. I saw people that lived a long time and people who lived only until 10, 23 or 30; I guess this was lesson # 2 to live each day as if it's your last and not to put off till tomorrow what needs to be done today.

Right after the cemetery I figure ok God that's what you wanted to show me.

Nope try again Eric your still going on the highway.
But Lord that is one big hill and I won't make it up it on my bike!
Sure you will remember what I said to you an hour ago Eric about my grace being sufficient I am going to show you that it is and that I will carry you through these tough times. Depend on me Eric!

I made it up the hill with out stopping or walking the bike! God is so awesome when we trust Him!

There that's my interesting day hope you all have on like that soon!!


P.S. If any of you want to share with me your experiences with feeling homesick and how you delt with it please do it would help immensely!! Thanks


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