Friday, August 13, 2004

Tears and hugs

The time has come for tears and hugs.
Wierd how attached poeple get to each other
with the pain of heart felt partings
comes the tears and hugs
they mark the end of one chapter
and the beginning of the next one
tears and hugs
I let a few tears slip out for our friend Rachelle tonight as most of you know she is leaving tomorow. I hate good byes a lot but know that with out good byes the hellos would be worthless. I didn't say good bye to her in person but emailed her a good bye.
She has been a huge blessing in my life by praying for me when I was down and asking me with sincerity how I was doing and you know as I talked with a few more people tonight about her leaving and they all have the same stories to be told about Rachelle.
But not only has she been a blessing in the hard times but also in the joyfilled times when I was able to learn how to treat a lady with respect.
As everyone probably guessed the blog earlier is about her. I feel publishing it was an error but heck I'm human and prone to errors.
I know my tears have only just begun to flow as the mass exodus goes on over the month when many of my new found friends head into the next chapter of thier lives, the tears I cry aren't tears of just sorrow, but also of joy in seeing people grow. It's like the beauty of watching a bird take flight after nursing it back to health, or the butterfly finally emerging from the cacoon. It's totally awesome.
Well now that I shared this with everyone I think I need to spend some time in prayer I will see most of you tomorrow at java. untill then enjoy your day


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