Tuesday, August 03, 2004

As the Holy Spirit burst forth like the floods through a burst dike

Sounds interesting doesn't it I remember one year in winnipeg we had what was called the flood of the centery and I was just out side of the city sand bagging a house to save it from the flood and the water was rising almost as fast as we were piling them up. soon after we left on the militaty transport thingy the dike gave out and the water rushed in. When we invited Jesus into our lives it was like that and no matter how many dikes we build up after that time to keep Him out he allways finds His way back into our hearts and usually it's like the mighty floods bursting out and the Spirit just washes everything away. It's both a wonderous feeling and scary I mean no matter how much I want to be incontrol and do what I'm not supposed to I can't. It's like the auto pilot on a plane it's set with the flight plans b4 the plane takes off and no matter how hard the pilot tries to pull the yoke off course with in seconds of the pilot letting go of the controls it will return back to it's old course. The only way for the plane to change direction is to reprogram the auto pilot. I find that all the time I spent in the word has changed that auto pilot but I do have to maintain course to because auto pilot alone is no good you need to watch for engine failure and fires and birds while you fly with the Lord. As you grow the attacks on your faith become more and more but He is faithful and just He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able.

This month is going to be an awesome month for growth but it will mixxed with some sorrow because this is going to be the first time that a lot of my friends will be heading off to college. This is a concept that is forein to me because in Winnipeg there is 4 universities and a whole slew of colleges so allmost everyone just goes to one of them. but in a smaller city like timmins every fall the young people change and the dinamics of the groups change so this will be an exciting and a sad time but also a time of rejoicing. Two of my friends have already left to go and they are in my prayers for thier safety and for them to remain in the Lord through the trials of the big city.

Well guess I'm done for the day,
God Bless you all
and remember Our God went through temptation too and He went through unscafed and He live in us so We can too.
A bondservent od the Lord Jesus Christ


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