Friday, August 27, 2004

Got to love the Favorite Attack of the enemy

You know as we get into the word of the Lord we learn what God says about us and how He judges us. Satan knows that as we start to grow we begin to see what God says and like it says in scripture the truth shall set you free. So he attacks us with a barage of memeries and lies, these are very damaging. As most of you know my history with the Hell's Angels and other gangs you can imagine the stuff I have done in my life and the conviction I sometimes feel for my crimes. One time I strangled a man almost to death I left him passed out on the street leaving him for dead all because I was having a bad night. That image haunts me still but you know what I know I am forgiven for it by both him and by God so when the condemnation comes I start with the truth. I am a new person the old me is dead. I am a son of God and created in His image. His blood has washed me whiter then snow. There is there for no further condemnation for that was the old me and he died I rose with Christ and am free. I am sinless, guiltless and best of all without blemish the blood of christ covered them all.

Now a lot of you are saying wow Eric you are sure full of your self and you know what I am because that is what the word says about me. If I were to think about being a lowly sinner, (which I was b4 I was saved) I would be losing the battle to sin, but as a son of God I want to be like my daddy and not sin, I do slip up a lot but He is faithful and just that if we confess our sins He will forgive them and was us from all unrighteousness. So that brings us to this again if we no longer have any unrighteousness in us what are we? Think about it and let it sink in!
Good night guys and God bless you all Bros and sisters
Peace out


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