Wednesday, August 25, 2004

JE ne suis pas! Na Ka! I Don't know

What else is there to say in the midst of caos then Lord I don't know. Help me and carrie me through it.

I remember my old pastor talking about times of trial and hardship and he would point out that nowhere in schripture does it say that He will deliver us from it but will help us through it. The key word is through it!! While he was taking parimedic training he pointed out that if you look at the obstical in your way look at where you want to go. Same with in a nascar when a driver goes through and accident scene he just goes strait through and that is often the safest path to go in. We need to go strait through with no breaks and come out the other side of adversity. Through this time of change for us all. I know I'm not the only one who is going through this. Some of you have told me personally others have put it in your blogs. Remember as much as we miss people they are with us in our hearts and most of us are only an email away.

Even knowing that God will carry us seems to be little solist for us in this time just keep going it will get easier and yeah take tie for crying with out tears we get angry so cry and weep. Hey remember the easiest verse in the bible to remember Jesus Wept. Jesus wept; wow our GOd and savior wept; guess that makes it ok for us to cry too eh guys. Considdering our God wept.

Oh well tonight there are more thoughts I need to type but not to the public so I guess I'm off to timmies for a late night coffee and to start a journal to collect my thoughts for the first time in my life and hey maybe take up song writing again. Good night and God bless


P.S. now is the time to let the tears fly not the tempers and other emotions drain the flood b4 it drains you.


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