Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Parents, Gods blessing to thier kids

You know we never tend to think about mothers till they are gone. Luckily my mom is only 2400 km away and not gone but as I reflect on things my mom has taught me, I have come to realize that she has made me the man I am today. She taught me how to give evn when you can't afford to give she always put other people's needs ahead of her own. And when we needed to be smaked across the head she would do it hating to do it but knowing that if she didn't we would turn out worse then we are now. I look at my sisters and me and we all have giving attitudes and know how to love others. and although I may have been slow at learning it we all know right from wrong.

Then there is my dad he also had a lot to do with who we are today he didn't want us to watch tv which at the time seemed really mean but as I read books on the subject, yeah that's right I said read, I understand that my smarts comes from not rotting my brains watching the morron maker and from working on computers and science kits and of course books.

Both mom and dad supported me while growing up and me I pulled away when I thought I knew it all wow was I ever wrong I made mistake after mistake but you know mom was allways there to support me and I kept getting up. I didn't stop in the middle of hard time or turn to go back I worked hard at making it through and I always had support.

So as sappy as this seems her is a big thank you to mom and dad for making me a man!


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