Thursday, May 31, 2007

ok up dates

the bitch in the last blog dumped me when my last dime was spent on her, we breezed through $14,000 in 3 weeks together (fucken bipolar), been single since. living with my aunt who thinks that a beer is a good fucken replacement for a morning cup of coffee. bipolar flairing up really bad with extream mood changes constantly. recently got a job lost a job. moving into my van as it apears the lesser of the 2 evils between living with my aunt or living in my van. no more fights with a drunk!!! :D On meds for my bipolar but they don't seem to be helping yet although I know they can take up to 3 months to kick in. So sticking with em till they kick in. right now the drunk is rambling talking to herself. think she needs serious help.

theres the update,

bull shit after bull shit

wtf is this new log in to blogs I've been trying for months to log into this mother fucken site only now getting through the mother fucken doors!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

I'm in love J'ai en amour

Today Jenn messaged me at a friends place and accepted my offer to date. I'm the happiest man in the world tonight. We had our first date, went to timmies for coffee.
Aujourd'hui Jenn messaged m'à une place d'amis et a accepté mon offre jusqu'ici. Je suis l'homme le plus heureux au monde ce soir. Nous avons eu notre première date, sommes allés aux timmies pour le café.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

fuck fuck fuck

well since the 23rd of December I have been trying to get with this lady she's very nice and all, but she had just gotten out of a bad relationship. Which messed things up for me, I was nothing but nice to her wanted to show her that there were nice guys in this world. She realized it but refused to date me cause she didn't want to loose me. Well today she just lost me I just can't be only her friend when she's talking bout us moving in together and all that. It really messed with my head even though I know she wasn't trying to do it. She told me to find someone else to date so I went looking and found someone else did my usual thing of helping out and being there for her but fell into the same fucken trap, the friend trap.

Why is it no matter what a guy does women reject them. I just don't understand this any more. They go for the assholes that fuck them up and when a nice guy comes round they say I don't want to loose u so I won't date you. What the fuck is that!

Oh well that's all I got to say.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


ok i'm still alive.

Je suis vivre encore


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

well been in the peg for a week or 2

Monday found out that my grandma in Quebec died in June. I don't understand why I didn't get a call as I was living in Quebec at the time she passed on. Then yesterday my other grandma passed on with all of us in the room with her. So I guess in essance you could say I lost 2 grandmas in 2 days. My poor mother lost 2 moms. Visiting her right now she's doing good for having lost her mother and her mother in law in the same week. Please pray for the family that we will be comforted and do the right things in the following months.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

On the Road Again

typing this from north western ontario soon to be leaving dryden for winnipeg. Car's running so so but it got me 3000 kms so far only 4000 left to get home.

Dad's doing really good still can't sit up or walk but he talks good.