Thursday, July 29, 2004

Thank you all for your prayers

I just got word from cherie the guy she was dating has broke it off with her because we were hanging out together yesterday.  She is now free to come to church and other functions again and to leave her backsliding in the past. I do ask though that you keep her in your prayers to keep her safe, and my self as well.

That was the first good news I had all day as you all probably know I am going through a tough time right now it appears my bi-polar (manic depression) has gotten the best of me once again and I'm having a hard time even doing the basics of life like cooking and cleaning. I don't do this that often but I am asking for prayer for me to get the strength from the Lord to do these things things again and to hit the road to look for a job because September rent will be coming soon. Thank God for having a savings account that I can't touch with my bank card otherwise I wouldn't have August rent still. I'm not sure what drove me to put the money in there b4 I hit my low but It must have been the Lord directing my paths.

Well I guess that is it for today so far I'm getting ready to go to Colege and Careers I don't feel like going but I know I need to so I guess I will see you all there



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