Thursday, July 22, 2004

Psalm 118

Psalm 118
24   This is the day the LORD has made;
        We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Man what a verse. We need to remember each day that it is the day that the Lord has made and make a choice to be joyful. Notice I said make a choice to be joyful; I said this because when we wake up we can choose what the day will be like. I mean if we wake up and say to our selves "Oh man it's Monday" how much joy will we have. But if we wake up and say wow this is going to be an awesome day because it's another day the Lord has made. It will be no matter what is thrown in our faces.
Lately I have been forgetting this verse an choosing to be moody and whiney all day but the Lord reminded me yesterday that He made that day and to rejoice in it. I was reminded once again that He loved me and wants the best for me.  The way to have joy is through Christ and only through Christ the world's joy brings sorrow but His joy does not. We need to get back to the basics of prayer, study, and praise in order to have joy.

Well guess I better call it quits b4 I make an hour long sermon like usual. Good night or good day depending on when your reading this blog.

Your brother in Christ,
A bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ


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