Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Sunday my stepmom's car brokedown while waiting at the train tracks for a train to pass. There was a couple behind us on motorcycles and the lady ran up to our car and told us not to smoke we were sitting in a pool of gas. 2 lines of gas had broken. Monday morning we talked to the local guy that owns the garage and he fixxed the car right away. So that was one answer to prayer I want to thank the Lord for.

Dad is still in a coma. The doctors still are just waiting for him to die, they aren't doing anything else for him. However there is still one doctor who is cabable to help him and it's all in His hands. I pray that Jesus does help dad, none the less it's His decission now, we leave it all in the hands of God.

Monday, May 29, 2006

A little girl: was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher: said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl: stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Irritated, the teacher: reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl: said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".

The teacher: asked, " What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl: replied, "Then you ask him".

A Kindergarten teacher: was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

The girl: replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher: paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl: replied, "They will in a minute."

A Sunday school teacher: was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.

After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

Without missing a beat one little boy: (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head.

She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.'

A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, She's dead. "

A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face.."

"Yes," the class said.

"Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"

A little fellow shouted,

"Cause your feet ain't empty."

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray:

"Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

error on the previous blog

Brain death
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Brain death is defined as a complete and irreversible cessation of brain activity. Absence of apparent brain function is not enough. Evidence of irreversibility is also required. Brain-death is often confused with the state of vegetation.
Traditionally, death has been defined as the cessation of all body functions, including respiration and heartbeat. Since it became possible to revive some people after a period without respiration, heartbeat, or other visible signs of life, as well as to maintain respiration and blood flow artificially using life support treatments, an alternative definition for death was needed. In recent decades, the concept of "brain death" has emerged. By brain-death criteria, a person can be pronounced legally dead even if the heart continues to beat due to life support measures. The first nation in the world to adopt the brain death as the definition of legal death was Finland in 1971. In the United States, Kansas had made a similar law at an even earlier date. (Randell T. (2004) Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 48(2): 139–44.)
A brain-dead individual has no electrical activity and no clinical evidence of brain function on neurologic examination (no response to pain, no cranial nerve reflexes (pupillary response (fixed pupils), oculocephalic reflex, corneal reflexes), and no spontaneous respirations). It is important to distinguish between brain death and states that mimic brain death (eg. barbiturate intoxication, alcohol intoxication, sedative overdose, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, coma or chronic vegetative states). Some comatose patients can recover, and some patients with severe irreversible neurologic dysfunction will nonetheless retain some lower brain functions such as spontaneous respiration, loss of both cortex and brainstem function. Thus anencephaly, in which there is no higher brain present, is generally not considered brain death, although it is certainly an irreversible condition in which it may be appropriate to withdraw life support.
Note that brain electrical activity can stop completely, or apparently completely (a "flat EEG") for some time in deep anaesthesia or during cardiac arrest before being restored. Brain death refers only to the permanent cessation of electrical activity. Numerous people who have experienced such "flat line" experiences have reported near-death experiences, the nature of which is controversial.
It is presumed that a permanent cessation of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness. Those who view the neo-cortex of the brain as solely responsible for consciousness, however, argue that only electrical activity there should be considered when defining death. In many cases, especially when elevated intracranial pressure prevents blood flow into the brain, the entire brain is nonfunctional; however, some injuries may affect only the neo-cortex.
The diagnosis of brain death needs to be rigorous to ascertain whether the condition is irreversible. Legal criteria vary from place to place, but generally require neurologic exams by two independent physicians. The exams must show complete absence of brain function, and may include two isoelectric (flat-line) EEGs 24 hours apart. The proposed Uniform Determination Of Death Act in the United States attempts to standardize criteria. The patient should have a normal temperature and be free of drugs that can suppress brain activity if the diagnosis is to be made on EEG criteria. Alternatively, a radionuclide cerebral blood flow scan that shows complete absence of intracranial blood flow can be used to confirm the diagnosis without performing EEGs.
Most organ donation for organ transplantation is done in the setting of brain death. In some nations (for instance, Belgium, Poland, Portugal and France) everyone is automatically an organ donor, although some jurisdictions allow opting out from the system. Elsewhere consent from family members or next-of-kin is required for organ donation. The non-living donor is kept on ventilator support until the organs have been surgically removed. If a brain-dead individual is not an organ donor, ventilator and drug support is discontinued and cardiac death is allowed to occur.

Lock M. Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. 2002, University of Califoria Press, Berkeley, CA.
Howsepian AA. In defense of whole-brain definitions of death. Linacre Quarterly. 1998 Nov;65(4):39-61. PMID 12199254
Karasawa H, et al. Intracranial electroencephalographic changes in deep anesthesia. Clin Neurophysiol. 2001 Jan;112(1):25-30. PMID 11137657

Well the news up to date after visiting dad in the hospital and talking to the doctor.

Ok hard as this is to type here it goes. Well Dad is totally unplugged from all the machines the only thing left is an IV of sugar water. The doctors are basically waiting for him to dye. He’s breathing on his own and has reflex reactions. For example today when Diane and I started talking to him about his bike he mumbled something unintelligently, but it was a reaction none the less.

My poor sister called up dad’s best friend Serge for the info and Serge told her that dad was brain dead. Well after reading the definition of brain dead I guess he is here is my findings.

Coma and Persistent Vegetative State
A coma is a profound or deep state of unconsciousness. The affected individual is alive but is not able to react or respond to life around him/her. Coma may occur as an expected progression or complication of an underlying illness, or as a result of an event such as head trauma.
A persistent vegetative state, which sometimes follows a coma, refers to a condition in which individuals have lost cognitive neurological function and awareness of the environment but retain no cognitive function and a perserved sleep-wake cycle.
It is sometimes described as when a person is technically alive, but his/her brain is dead. However, that description is not completely accurate. In persistent vegetative state the individual loses the higher cerebral powers of the brain, but the functions of the brainstem, such as respiration (breathing) and circulation, remain relatively intact. Spontaneous movements may occur and the eyes may open in response to external stimuli, but the patient does not speak or obey commands. Patients in a vegetative state may appear somewhat normal. They may occasionally grimace, cry, or laugh.
Is there any treatment?Once the patient is out of immediate danger, although still in coma or vegetative state, the medical care team will concentrate on preventing infections and maintaining the patient's physical state as much as possible.
Such maintenance includes preventing pneumonia and bed sores and providing balanced nutrition. Physical therapy may also be used to prevent contractures (permanent muscular contractions) and orthopedic deformities that would limit recovery for the patients who emerge from coma.
What is the prognosis?The outcome for coma and vegetative state depends on the cause and on the location, severity, and extent of neurological damage: outcomes range from recovery to death. People may emerge from a coma with a combination of physical, intellectual, and psychological difficulties that need special attention.
Recovery usually occurs gradually, with patients acquiring more and more ability to respond. Some patients never progress beyond very basic responses, but many recover full awareness. Patients recovering from coma require close medical supervision. A coma rarely lasts more than 2 to 4 weeks. Some patients may regain a degree of awareness after vegetative state. Others may remain in a vegetative state for years or even decades. The most common cause of death for a person in a vegetative state is infection such as pneumonia.
Information provided by theNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,National Institutes of Health
Article Created: 1999-03-14Article Reviewed: 1999-03-14

And since he is no longer receiving medical care he will more then likely succumb to pneumonia and die. How ever our God is a mighty god and He is the creator and only the Creator can heal dad now. We won’t give up hope till he breaths his last breath, we are however making the preparations for continuing our lives like power of attorney packing getting ready to move, preparing to sell off the cars things like that but we are continuing to hope at the same time.

Hence please don’t stop praying for us all dad included.


Friday, May 26, 2006

Well time to take the focus off of me for a bit(save it for last)

Ok we will start with Kristen's mom she is currently or will be going through treatment for skin . She needs your prayers as well as the entire family.

Next My step mom Diane not only is she having a hard time dealing with the accident but I keep forgetting about her health problems. She has some lump floating around in here head and shoulders and when ever the doctors try to opperate it's gone to a different place. Also she has a problem with her lungs not too sure what but as she puts it "I don't have a right to smoke my lungs are finished" That was here talking bout herself. Plus she has something wrong with the pigment in her skin in the summer it gets all blotchy her native colour appears in blotches and white blotches; I have no idea what it is. Last but not least she continueously gets migraine head aches. Oops forgot a personal problem since dad's been in the hospital she's been menstruating it's been 3 weeks now. Please pray for theese issues for Diane.

My grandma has bone cancer and is going through alot of pain please pray for her and my mom, Sharron as well as the rest of my family in winnipeg.

My sister val is schedualed for a hysterectimy in june please pray for the doctors to do a good job and that God will direct the doctors hands in my sister, my grandma, my step mom, my dad, and Kristen's mom.

Now for the update on life here. Waiting for "the call" is never easy all of our hearts stop beating when the phone rings. Dad is breathing on his own it's the third day since we unplugged him. My step mom is still upset with me but she's not being as hard on me as she was. Yesterday went to an outdoor flea market with Diane and my baby sister isabelle. Diane wasn't going to buy me anything but isabelle asked me if i wanted some sun glasses and I said ok. Then isabell asked for $10 since they were 1 pair for $6 or 2 for $10. Diane wasn't impressed she shot me a look, but that was it. Then isa asked for micky d's so I got my micky d's too. As tough as things are on me I can't even imagine how they are for the rest of the family since dad's all ways been there for them all. We are hopefull he will come out of the coma but getting ready for the worst.

Today Diane went to visit her mom and sister but I am not alloud at her mother's place as I'm not family. I really don't mind I needed a break today so I stayed home. Even though Isabelle fought hard to get diane to let me go. Please don't get mad at Diane for all of this after all every marriage comes with extra baggage she just didn't expect it to be me and val someday.

Well if any one else has any prayer requests email them to me and I will pray for them and ask others to do it as well. Thank you all for your prayers and support.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hey where's my Mc Donalds?

Dad is still alive he was unplugged from life support last night at 6:30 still in coma. Doctors have given up on him, still need the prayers.

Now the referance to mc donalds diane did it again she bought it for mel and her but left me out. Oh well shit happens.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

authorised the plug being pulled today

Diane, Isabelle and Melanie made the decision today at 430 and it is the same one Val and I discussed as well we decided the same thing. It was hard to do but it is done. Now it's all up to God what happens the doctors are done.
Diane is still angry with me because I was with him at the time of the accident. I asked dad's friend serge if I could stay there to help out maman till the funeral then me thinks me is westward bound for a few monthsHeading to Timmins then to Dryden then the peg then prob staying in Montréal
please continue your prayers for my dad and for Kristen’s mom and both of our families.
I have forgotten to thank you all for your prayers so I will do that now thank you all.


Aujourd’hui donne l’autorité pour deplugger

Diane, Isabelle et Mélanie fait la décision aujourd’hui jusque a 4h30 cette âpres midi. C’est la même décision Val et moi fait aussi. C’est dur mais c’est fait. Maintenant c’est pour Dieu décider les docteurs est finis.

Diane est encore fâcher avec moi parce c’est que je suis avec dad quand l’accident passer. Je demander Serge, le amie de mon père, est que c’est correct pour moi reste a chez lui jusque a le funeral âpres sa je pense je vais pour a bien vacance a l’ouest pour un mois ou deux.

Arrête à Timmins âpres sa Dryden, et Winnipeg, et return a Montréal.

SVP continuer Preyer pour les deux familles et mon père et la mère de Kristen.

M’excuse j’obliger dit remercié pour tout le Preyer de vous. Donc Mercie pour toute


Monday, May 22, 2006


ok I know all of you probably are upset with Diane, but please forgive her I already have. She is stressed out big time, after all dad's been her rock for the last 25 years and she's about to lose him.

On another note my new car is having problems. It stalls when it rains Think it's the feul injectors or a short.

Please pray for Diane she really needs God right now and even more so tomorrow.
P.S. don't forget Kristen's famjly pray for them too.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

ok update from the hospital

tuesday's appointment is to tell us there is nothing left for the hospital to do thay have done all they can. They are going to ask us to pull the plug on dad. Please continue to pray for all of us and dad. When doctors fail God can still work wonders.

Me I guess I need to get my stuff ready to move out soon please pray for some means to get a place to live as I lost my job due to breaking my arm in the accident. I wish I could take on my roll as dad's son but don't think that is posible as Diane is angree with me.


Second stage of mourning... ... Blame

Dad is doing a bit better. He still hasn't woken up from the coma, but he did move a leg and an arm this week and today when dianne my belle mere visited him he made a fttttttt sound like a fart to diane with his mouth. They always do that to each other so that means he's starting to react to his environment and knowing who is talking to him. I will see him tuesday at the doctors apointment I just hope no one tries to stop me from going or I may do time.

Ok got some new news today it pisses me off but it's normal. My step mom and my sister Melanie blame me and my dad's best friend for the accident. Turns out if dad dies I'm homeless, guess all that shit bout me being a son to her was BS. How ever with my knowledge of the mourning process having gone through it a few times myself already I understand am trying not to let it hurt me. One thing helps me a lot I have a friend that is going through all of this with me and He is the Lord Jesus, the best friend a person can have. Plus I was there during the accident I know what happened the others don't. It was dad talking to me not the other way around, but not going to blame anyone for it-- accidents happen.

I talked with isa today and she was the one that told me all the info and got me up to date with the variety as they put it in Quebec. She is the soul family member out here that doesn't blame me.

Now you all know why I feel like a stranger in my house.

Keep praying for dad and my step mom and family here and also don't forget to pray for Kristin and her family as they are in TO for medical reasons for her mother.
Thanks all of you,

Friday, May 19, 2006

he's not my son he's the son of my husband

I fell like such an outsider don't they realize he's my dad too?


dad has taken a turn for the worse and we have an apointment tuesday to talk to the doctors dad may not last that long continue to pray please.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well as all of you know it’s been a tough 2 weeks for me and my family, with dad being in a coma and all. As hard as it is to rehash things I need to enter an update of the news for the last 3 days.
Monday went by without too many incidences mainly a day of r & r to prepare for going to an appointment at the hospital to discus dad’s condition with 4 doctors and 2 social workers. The news isn’t too good as of yet. Dad has a low score in the scale for evaluating brain damage, 3 is the worst and that what he scored. No response to stimuli of any kind, be it voice, or pain. They think that if he wakes up he will remain in a vegetable state. On the plus side dad is breathing on his own in combination with a machine. The main problem is he has cranial bleeding, in other words the pockets of spinal/brain fluid are over flowing causing an imbalance of pressure in dad’s brain. Which in turn stops blood flow from entering the brain sort of like an air lock in the space shuttle the pressure of space sucks out the air when it is opened because the pressure outside is less then inside(same thing with the brain)

I did some research on my own at http://waiting.com on what all this crap means and hope that the layman’s terms I used helps everyone understand.

Then yesterday another thing came up. Dad’s best friend who has been helping us with all aspects of the accident tried to ask the doctors to unplug dad. I don’t know if the hospital listened to him or not; I certainly hope not, as it is not my step mother’s wish at this point in time.

Part of me is all ready morning my father but a little piece of me has a gleam of hope and it’s that little piece that I cling to for the strength to help my family here in Quebec.

I know this blog is written a little blunt and mechanically but I need to guard my emotions in order to help out here in Quebec. I do take time alone to mourn and to cry but those times are few and far between, usually after Diane my step mom goes to sleep or when I go outside to play with Tobby to help him out a bit. It’s play then sit and cry then play again then cry then play then go back in to the house.

Diane is taking it really hard she laughs at times is really angry at others and cries sometimes. Isa and Mel are finding it hard as well. As is my sis Val, the other day think it was Friday I miss understood my step mom she used the word dying and I understood it as dead right away I called my sis Val up and told her that dad was dead 5 min later the communication error was corrected as Diane only speaks French and I am still learning. I called back Val and told her the news. She called the hospital and spoke with dad’s doctor and then called me back with all of the information.

That’s this week in a nutshell. Keep praying there’s still breath in him.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


ok me will tell u what happenned
dad and me went to cash my check on the bike
we cashed my check stopped at the computer store to buy ink
then stopped at the bar he had a drink
just a large beer and a little beer over 3 hours and we played pool a bit
then we left the bar to head home
and about 12 kms from home he was talking to me and looked back at me for a second
and didn't have time to make the curve
so he tried to go through the ditch
but we hit a hole in the ditch
and dad and me were thrown from the bike
I hit the ground bout 10 feet away from the bike and dad 5 feet further then me
we both landed on our faces
I called over to him dad dad
but no response
then I stood up and went to him and tapped his arm dad dad
he started dreaming
oops snooring
then I called the ambulance
and that's what happenned

I got a broken wrist, but dad is in a coma and they can't find the reason why, they did an mri and another test like that. tuesday we have an appointment to discuss what we are going to do with dad how ever because my last name isn't the same I don't have the right to be part of it. Fucken hospitals!!! Sorry bout that but ... he is my dad damn it!!! they want to do brain surgery on dad to see what is wrong in there.

That's everything till now keep praying and thx for the prayers.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

link to the newspaper article about the accident

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

prayer request

me and dad had an accident on the bike I just have a broken wrist but dad is in a coma and is in the intensive care unit at montreal general hospital the news today is he has stablized but is still in a coma. donc svp pray for dad and the entire family we all need your prayers.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ok long time no write. New things
1.) got a job in a potato plant
2.) bought a car ( 1990 Chevy cavalier)
3.) am in a major manic and just want to say fuck everything and take my car and go

Long temps pas fait mon blog. Nouvelle
1.) travailler dans une affaire de patate
2.) J’acheter un char
3.) en une grosse manique et voir dit fuck le monde et parti avec mon char