Saturday, May 13, 2006


ok me will tell u what happenned
dad and me went to cash my check on the bike
we cashed my check stopped at the computer store to buy ink
then stopped at the bar he had a drink
just a large beer and a little beer over 3 hours and we played pool a bit
then we left the bar to head home
and about 12 kms from home he was talking to me and looked back at me for a second
and didn't have time to make the curve
so he tried to go through the ditch
but we hit a hole in the ditch
and dad and me were thrown from the bike
I hit the ground bout 10 feet away from the bike and dad 5 feet further then me
we both landed on our faces
I called over to him dad dad
but no response
then I stood up and went to him and tapped his arm dad dad
he started dreaming
oops snooring
then I called the ambulance
and that's what happenned

I got a broken wrist, but dad is in a coma and they can't find the reason why, they did an mri and another test like that. tuesday we have an appointment to discuss what we are going to do with dad how ever because my last name isn't the same I don't have the right to be part of it. Fucken hospitals!!! Sorry bout that but ... he is my dad damn it!!! they want to do brain surgery on dad to see what is wrong in there.

That's everything till now keep praying and thx for the prayers.


Blogger Rachelle said...

Wow Eric. I saw your screenname so was praying but didn't know why. Now I know, am still praying!! Keep us updated.

Peace and Hope,


5:17 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Eric, that is pretty crazy , i am praying about this situation and i know how you would feel about how the hospitals may not include ya. Hope things go well with this situation


7:07 p.m.  

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