Friday, May 26, 2006

Well time to take the focus off of me for a bit(save it for last)

Ok we will start with Kristen's mom she is currently or will be going through treatment for skin . She needs your prayers as well as the entire family.

Next My step mom Diane not only is she having a hard time dealing with the accident but I keep forgetting about her health problems. She has some lump floating around in here head and shoulders and when ever the doctors try to opperate it's gone to a different place. Also she has a problem with her lungs not too sure what but as she puts it "I don't have a right to smoke my lungs are finished" That was here talking bout herself. Plus she has something wrong with the pigment in her skin in the summer it gets all blotchy her native colour appears in blotches and white blotches; I have no idea what it is. Last but not least she continueously gets migraine head aches. Oops forgot a personal problem since dad's been in the hospital she's been menstruating it's been 3 weeks now. Please pray for theese issues for Diane.

My grandma has bone cancer and is going through alot of pain please pray for her and my mom, Sharron as well as the rest of my family in winnipeg.

My sister val is schedualed for a hysterectimy in june please pray for the doctors to do a good job and that God will direct the doctors hands in my sister, my grandma, my step mom, my dad, and Kristen's mom.

Now for the update on life here. Waiting for "the call" is never easy all of our hearts stop beating when the phone rings. Dad is breathing on his own it's the third day since we unplugged him. My step mom is still upset with me but she's not being as hard on me as she was. Yesterday went to an outdoor flea market with Diane and my baby sister isabelle. Diane wasn't going to buy me anything but isabelle asked me if i wanted some sun glasses and I said ok. Then isabell asked for $10 since they were 1 pair for $6 or 2 for $10. Diane wasn't impressed she shot me a look, but that was it. Then isa asked for micky d's so I got my micky d's too. As tough as things are on me I can't even imagine how they are for the rest of the family since dad's all ways been there for them all. We are hopefull he will come out of the coma but getting ready for the worst.

Today Diane went to visit her mom and sister but I am not alloud at her mother's place as I'm not family. I really don't mind I needed a break today so I stayed home. Even though Isabelle fought hard to get diane to let me go. Please don't get mad at Diane for all of this after all every marriage comes with extra baggage she just didn't expect it to be me and val someday.

Well if any one else has any prayer requests email them to me and I will pray for them and ask others to do it as well. Thank you all for your prayers and support.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

4:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

2:53 p.m.  

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