Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ok long time no write. New things
1.) got a job in a potato plant
2.) bought a car ( 1990 Chevy cavalier)
3.) am in a major manic and just want to say fuck everything and take my car and go

Long temps pas fait mon blog. Nouvelle
1.) travailler dans une affaire de patate
2.) J’acheter un char
3.) en une grosse manique et voir dit fuck le monde et parti avec mon char


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eric congratulations on your job hope your enjoying yourself
at work. Ill pray for you that you get well soon. If you ever wanna talk about your problems and how your feeling im here for you. I been depressed lately too so i know how your feeling. i miss you a lot take care and god bless love your friend alice forever
friends forever

12:43 p.m.  

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