Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well as all of you know it’s been a tough 2 weeks for me and my family, with dad being in a coma and all. As hard as it is to rehash things I need to enter an update of the news for the last 3 days.
Monday went by without too many incidences mainly a day of r & r to prepare for going to an appointment at the hospital to discus dad’s condition with 4 doctors and 2 social workers. The news isn’t too good as of yet. Dad has a low score in the scale for evaluating brain damage, 3 is the worst and that what he scored. No response to stimuli of any kind, be it voice, or pain. They think that if he wakes up he will remain in a vegetable state. On the plus side dad is breathing on his own in combination with a machine. The main problem is he has cranial bleeding, in other words the pockets of spinal/brain fluid are over flowing causing an imbalance of pressure in dad’s brain. Which in turn stops blood flow from entering the brain sort of like an air lock in the space shuttle the pressure of space sucks out the air when it is opened because the pressure outside is less then inside(same thing with the brain)

I did some research on my own at on what all this crap means and hope that the layman’s terms I used helps everyone understand.

Then yesterday another thing came up. Dad’s best friend who has been helping us with all aspects of the accident tried to ask the doctors to unplug dad. I don’t know if the hospital listened to him or not; I certainly hope not, as it is not my step mother’s wish at this point in time.

Part of me is all ready morning my father but a little piece of me has a gleam of hope and it’s that little piece that I cling to for the strength to help my family here in Quebec.

I know this blog is written a little blunt and mechanically but I need to guard my emotions in order to help out here in Quebec. I do take time alone to mourn and to cry but those times are few and far between, usually after Diane my step mom goes to sleep or when I go outside to play with Tobby to help him out a bit. It’s play then sit and cry then play again then cry then play then go back in to the house.

Diane is taking it really hard she laughs at times is really angry at others and cries sometimes. Isa and Mel are finding it hard as well. As is my sis Val, the other day think it was Friday I miss understood my step mom she used the word dying and I understood it as dead right away I called my sis Val up and told her that dad was dead 5 min later the communication error was corrected as Diane only speaks French and I am still learning. I called back Val and told her the news. She called the hospital and spoke with dad’s doctor and then called me back with all of the information.

That’s this week in a nutshell. Keep praying there’s still breath in him.


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