Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Desolat toute les people francais mais cette entry est toute anglais

Well my last entry was french so this one is in english:P
I'm moving december first and not too sure where yet but been looking at Hull Quebec since all my ID is Quebecois anyway and the cost of living is less on the french side then the english side. I fell the best way to get to know my father is from a distance as he won't stop killing himself with the booze and it hurts me too much to watch. So I'm going to put some space between us for now.

Any of you living in the Ottawa area that know of a good cheap place in Hull let me know. I could even live in a dive not a problem just as long as it is high speed internet ready;) The getto doesn't bother me I lived in too many to count. lol

Well now you all know what is happenning with me while living with my father. Please pray for him.



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