Sunday, April 24, 2005

Ever have one of those days when you think it can't get any worse

I called up a friend to get a ride to church but it looks like he's a no show church started 12 minutes ago. Oh well. I took the time to read a friend's blog and it looks like she's having a worse time then me so it puts my life into prospective.

Two days ago I took my car out for a test drive only to have my front right wheel burst into smoke after 2 kms then when I jacked up the car to take a look at the brakes I accidentally snapped the brake line with out knowing it I got the car working again and drove back to my friends place. Luckily the break fluid didn't all leak out b4 I realized what had happened. I parked the car then yesterday I went to move my car forward 5 feet and that's when I made the discovery what the stuff dripping out from under the passenger door was; brake fluid I had no brakes left. I looked into the cost of the parts to fix the car but they came up to over $500 so I will be donating my beloved camry to charity and bussing back to timmins.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every day I think it can't get worse and then suddenly it DOES. The secret is to look at it from the other direction and ask yourself if it can possibly get any better. Or not ...because how depressing is that lol.

1:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive had those type of days before, and what i do to overcome it is to think of some of the good things that came out of that day, Usually there will be more good things then bad things, and after i look at the good things, it seems like those bad things are not as bad . God is always with you even in times things go wrong , He knows you can take those , bc why would he do that if he knew u couldnt handle it ? hey eric , why dont u check my blog out at

2:54 p.m.  

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