Wednesday, December 01, 2004

a Christmas of love

Well for people that don't know Brad is now designing airplanes for missionaries as I type this Mal and Brad are on route to Idaho and I am in Winnipeg at my mom's. Next monday, or Tuesday Mal will be picking me and my stuff and we will head to Dryden ON to crash a night at my sisters b4 continuing home to Timmins. Notice I said home to Timmins; Timmins is my home now. I am a stranger in my old city so much has changed and it will be a busy week of fixxing computers and visiting friends.

Well you guys are prob wondering how I got here. Well Mal told me he could pick up my stuff on his way back from dropping off brad but I needed some one to help load the truck. So I desided it would be me and I called my mom and told her I would be coming and that I just had to find the money to go. She told me that she was going to give me money for christmas and she would give it to me early. So my gift was a trip home and her's is to see me.

That gift however pales in comparison to the gift God gave us the first christmas. He gave us his Sonknowing that He would die and go through Hell both figuratively and literly. That is the greatest gift of all


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