Friday, December 24, 2004

Friends, family, and other that read this blog

Merry Christmas!!!
Joyeaux Noel!!!
FelIz NavIdad!!!!

I think that covers all my friends except for my Cree friends in which case sorry my Cree isn't up to par anymore. Any who figured it was time to touch base with yous all again. I finally met the guy who composed half my DNA after 25 years. I was afraid and so was he, sounds weird that 2 ex Hell's Angels would be so afraid to meet. Yah you read right turns out my early adult hood was following mon papa's foot steps almost to a T. I was finding it hard to forgive him b4 I met him but now that I met him I understand a lot about my life and influences that shaped me. I also understand that both him and my mother are telling me the truth when they tell me what happened. It sounds like totally different stories but by knowing who he is it puts things into perspective for me. He does love me but doesn't show it the same way that we are used to seeing it. After being a biker myself I can totally relate to what he was saying to me.

It just donned on me what Mal was saying in his sermon last Sunday totally relates to this. Once you understand the giver you both apretiate and understand the gift. We serve an awesome God He knows what's best for us and most the time he will guide us through a storm instead of taking us out. That is what shapes us as Christians. Sort of like Rae Hill in the winter it's really slick if it's left without salt and car's would not be able to get up it at all, but if we put ice and sand on it our cars can drive up it even if the salt ends up eating away at our cars.

Tonight was a fun time with the gang from College and careers it was nice seeing both old and new faces during the Christmas break:'( (I wish I would have arranged something like that when I went to the peg for that week, but alas hind sight is 20/20 but fore sight is legally blind) Any who I am glad I had a chance to catch up with my family in Christ.

Usually Christmas is a difficult time of year for me because I miss my kids but this year it is bitter sweet I met my papa and went home to see mom and dad, saw val, Dave, Zach and Gloria briefly which was nice. Not only that I get to share the love that I received with the men at the good Samaritan inn ( the homeless shelter) in timmins and that above all else is what is making this Christmas the best Christmas ever seeing the faces on the guys when I attempted to make fudge. I guess it's fudge but it didn't harden for me the way it was supposed to LOL.

This is not too much like me but I should do this more often. Thank you mom for showing me love and how to care for others that is the best gift I have received from you. Dad(the one who raised me) Thank you for helping me build character and for guiding me to the joy of books and reading. Papa(The guy from PQ) Thank you for ignoring me until now I would not have been ready to meet you until this point in my life and I forgive you for everything you have done all of it. Thank you for looking for me and meeting me. To Val you taught me the gift of forgiveness after everything I had done to you you still loved me thank you sis. To Bev Thanks for being my sister and still talking to me after all I did to you too I know it wasn't easy being my sister but you are a good sister. Thank you auntie for taking me to Calvary Temple and sharing God with me some times against my will.

But Most of all Thank you Father for sending your Son Jesus to take our place and thank you for your love and correction


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