Thursday, September 30, 2004

Ok I couldn't help myself one last post

I was reading in a magazine put out by In touch Ministries tonight after my final class to officially become a minister with FCC(YAY God!!!) Any who back to the story at hand. I was glancing through it while pastor Mal dropped of Julie at home, and came across an article on faith entitled Nikes and mustard seeds, Learning Faith From a Five Year Old. Darn was going to paste the article here but it's in the October magazine so I would have to type it all out and it's long so instead I will give you the cole's notes version. I must be sick or something I'm trying to keep things short!!! LOL

Ok this mother is out shopping one day and she sees these really cute baby shoes that she just had to buy for her 1 year old daughter. Now if you know any thing bout little ones they tend to out grow shoe sizes once a month so this mother did what all mothers do and bought them 1 size bigger so they would last longer after all they were $47!!!

The three of them go out on a hike and the little one is in a carrier on mom's back wearing the SHOES. Three clicks into the trek on this brisk fall afternoon they stop to rest. Mom feels the little one's foot wiggling against her back and it feels soft... Too soft. She frantically starts searching where they are standing only to be stopped by her 5 year old son saying to her,"Mommy why don't we pray?"

"That's it. So simple."

"Ethan and I held hands. He prayed;'God, we lost Thea's shoe. We can't find it anywhere. We don't know what to do. Please help us.'"

as soon as little Ethan said amen the trees parted about 30 feet away and a beam of sunlight so bright that it made the rest of the forest look dark shone through the trees and in the center of the beam was Thea's shoe.

Luke 18:16-17 discusses faith of the children and how unless we come to Him like a child we will not find Him. How does a little one have faith you ask. Well they haven't learned to distrust people or things. If I say to my niece I will be there at 6 pm she is expecting her uncy to walk through those doors at 6 pm and she is so excited that she jumps up and down for joy. Things are simple to a child, years of worry and disappointment have stolen that innocence from us. We need to take it back by force!! Fight tooth and nail for it. Our God is an awesome God and He will deliver, be it a place to live or a long awaited visit with friends who live a long way off, but we need to approach it with faith not fear or worry. Who among you can grow even a cm through worrying? Then what's the use of worrying? Did you know that worrying actually makes you ill and kills you off earlier? It says so in proverbs.

I for one choose to have a child like faith in Christ and His promises. I know He will deliver not too sure in what way but He will and I need to Take each step in faith because scripture also says that anything you do that is not in faith is a sin regardless of the motivation behind it. So do all things in faith and you will be blessed beyond a doubt, life will be full of so much joy that you won't be able to contain it, you will bubble over with it in the midst of trouble and count it all joy. Not that a lot of things are good and you know some things you should not give thanks for but through all things give thanks.

Guess I shot up the idea of a short one tonight oh well.
Good night and God bless,
A Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ

P.S. here is a link to the in touch site go to it on Friday and you can read the article yourself;)


Blogger Rachelle said...

Thanks Eric, this last post was just what God has been saying to me lately, and what I needed to hear this morning. Imagine my surprise to see a new post after you had said you were internet-less for awhile. GOd is good. God bless you!

9:10 a.m.  

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