Monday, April 11, 2005

what am I doing?

Off on another adventure seems my life lately is one long bus trip going from Ontario to Quebec then back to Ontario then on to Manitoba. In one year I went from a man who did no travelling at all to a guy that goes once or twice a month to a different place. It plays havick on my work life though but what the heck I only work for a third of my life right?

I'm off to manitoba to visit friends and family there and tie up loose ends. Hoping to get my car back. Prob not going to happen but we will see

It will be good to see my mom and sisters again as well as my aunts and uncles and friends.

After all that will be back in timmins for 2 weeks b4 moving to quebec I think not too sure but that's the way I'm leaning.

oh well back to packing leaving in 1/2 hour ttyl


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