Sunday, September 26, 2004

Tough questions for me and anyone who accepts the challange

Ok so today was like most other sundays I spent at Fcc but today it differed greatly. Usually I go there to serve others not to be served but today in my time of need my church family got together and fed not only my spirit but my body as well. They brought me bag after bag of food and not the stuff you would get at a food bank or even the stuff I would normally buy as I usually don't equate eating as something other then filling up the old tank. I got stuff to make salads, cakes, eggs, some freaky chocolate peanut butter stuff, milk and various other goodies. For that I am thankful beyond words.

Next comes the shelter thing not too sure what's happenning there but the church is working with me to find a place in south end; I'm looking at a house 6 doors down from FCC. It runs at $450/month all utilities included, but it doesn't include any apliances so that's a little problem with it however the owner is willing to rent me out a fridge and stove for $25/month each which brings it up to $500 a month still a deal for a south end apartment. I will keep everyone posted on that.Now to the challange.

The question that was left to us tonight at the end of the chapter in the Purpose Driven Life class was this, "What has God already told me in His Word that I haven't started doing yet?"

How often we ask God, "What is Your will for me?" Guess what His responce is to us...

... I have told you all ready read it again it's in My word.

Time to chase a rabit for a bit here Pastor Mal brought up an interesting thing tonight bout the WWJD movement that is out in the world. He said that it should read WDTBSAI or What does the Bible Say About it, because too many people think it's vague or subject to opinion but you know I was taught we are to know the will of Christ and what He would do; it's all in His manual - The Bible. So there fore it is not subject to opinion at all WWJD do is spelled out rather directly in both the New and Old Testamints. It is litteral and thurough on What Jesus would do and that my brothers and sisters is how we are to live. So whan you see WWJD remember it means WDTBSAI and anything short of that is a sin it becomes idolotry. Oh no don't say that brother!!! It is when you trust on your own understanding you missed the entire picture

Well time for me to ponder my thoughts and ask my Dad to help me figure out what He has told me in His Word.

Good night and peace be with you,
Your bro
Eric Boldt

A bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ


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