Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Your results for Which Animagus Form Would You Have?

Percent Rank Item
(100%) 1: Eagle - Success, Prosperity, Wealth
(99%) 2: Hawk - Messenger of the sky, Observer
(96%) 3: Wolf - Loyalty, Success, Perseverence, Stability, Thought, Teacher, Pathfinder
(88%) 4: Alligator - Aggression, Survival, Adaptability
(87%) 5: Snake - Shrewdness, Transformation, Cunning
(86%) 6: Fox - Cunning, Provider, Intelligence
(83%) 7: Cougar - Leadership, Courage, Power, Swiftness, Balance
(82%) 8: Crane - Solitude, Independence
(82%) 9: Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience
(81%) 10: Horse - Stamina, Mobility, Strength, Power, Love, Devotion, Loyalty
(76%) 11: Coyote - Prankster, Insight, Playful, Sarcastic
(75%) 12: Elk - Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility
(63%) 13: Swan - Grace, Balance, Innocence
(50%) 14: Deer - Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity

L'Article du Rang pour cent
(100%) 1: L'aigle - Succès, Prospérité, Richesse,
(99%) 2: Le faucon - Messager du ciel, Observateur,
(96%) 3: Le loup - Loyauté, Succès, Perseverance, Stabilité, Pensée, Professeur, Éclaireur,,
(88%) 4: L'alligator - Agression, Survie, Faculté d'adaptation,
(87%) 5: Le serpent - Perspicacité, Transformation, Ruse,
(86%) 6: Le renard - Ruse, Fournisseur, Intelligence,
(83%) 7: Le cougouar - Direction, Courage, Pouvoir, Rapidité, Balance,
(82%) 8: La grue - Solitude, Indépendance,
(82%) 9: Le hibou - Sagesse, Vérité, Patience,
(81%) 10: Le cheval - Vigueur, Mobilité, Force, Pouvoir, Amour, Dévouement, Loyauté,,
(76%) 11: Le coyote - Farceur, Perspicacité, Espiègle, Sarcastique,
(75%) 12: L'élan - Force, Agilité, Liberté, Pouvoir, Noblesse,
(63%) 13: Le cygne - Grâce, Équilibrez, Innocence
(50%) 14: Cerf - Amour, Bonté, Gentillesse, Grâce, Sensibilité,


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