Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Extreme highs and lows of my life. Hautes et bas extrêmes de ma vie.

A lot of you know that I suffer from bipolar disorder and that my highs are extreme and so are my lows. Well I’m just getting out of my latest high and it wasn’t a piece of cake either. The last 3 weeks has been filled with way too many thoughts flying through my brain at the same time. Filled with aggression, and all those things that go with it. A perfect example is my last blog entry, sorry Ra.

To give you all a perspective of what I go through on a regular basis I will paint an example. Picture a computer and it’s filled with a billion background applications, the computer can’t open internet explorer because too many other things are using the cpu at the same time. Eventually it crashes and you need to restart it, then do repairs to fix it. Manic depression is like that. For the last 3 weeks I have been in a manic that will soon drive me to a crash. Where I will be in such a deep depression I won’t be able to get out of bed for a few days in order to get my mind back into a semi depressed state which in turn will go to a semi manic stage then to an extreme manic and so on and so on. I know most of you out there can never understand this fully but I hope the illustration I gave helps you to at least understand it a little.

Now for the attempt to translate this to French for my little sister. Lol

Beaucoup de vous savent que je souffre du désordre bipolaire et que mes hautes sont extrêmes et ainsi sont mes bas. Puits je suis sortir juste de mon dernier haut et ce n'était pas un morceau de gâteau non plus. Les 3 dernières semaines a été remplies de manière trop de pensées volant par mon cerveau en même temps. Rempli d'agression, et de toutes ces choses qui sont assorties à elle. Un exemple parfait est ma dernière entrée de blog, Ra désolé.

Vous donner tout une perspective de ce que j'interviens de façon régulière je peindra un exemple. Décrivez un ordinateur et il est rempli d'applications milliard de fond, l'ordinateur ne peut pas ouvrir l'Internet Explorer parce que trop d'autres choses utilisent l'unité centrale de traitement en même temps. Par la suite il se brise et vous devez le remettre en marche, faites alors des réparations pour le fixer. La dépression maniaque est comme celle. Pour les 3 dernières semaines j'ai été dans un maniaque qui me conduira bientôt à un accident. Là où je serai dans une dépression si profonde je ne pourrai pas sortir du lit pendant quelques jours afin d'obtenir mon esprit de nouveau dans un état diminué par semi-finale qui à leur tour ira à une semi-finale maniaque met en scène alors à un maniaque extrême et ainsi de suite et ainsi de suite. Je sais que la plupart d'entre vous dehors là peut ne jamais comprendre le ce entièrement mais j'espère l'illustration que je vous ai donné à des aides pour la comprendre au moins.

Maintenant pour la tentative de traduire ceci au Français pour ma petite soeur. Lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eric how are u sorry to hear that your going through a difficult time through your depression im here for you if ever you need to talk im going through a difficult time in my depression too i been really depressed lately about school cause the courses are really hard and i dont know if i wanna stay in school or not. i wanna go to bible college but i dont know if i candle it or if it would be too hard for me and i also found this good website that i wanna take some courses at but i dont have any money and im tired of relying on my grandparents i do want to move out and be on my own but im not sure my grandpa will let me. I miss you a lot i hope things are going well for you and that your enjoying yourself in quebec. maybe one day i come and visit you or you can come and visit me i hope i see you again someday email me anytime you want to talk your friend always alice

3:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey eric how are u sorry to hear that your going through a difficult time through your depression im here for you if ever you need to talk im going through a difficult time in my depression too i been really depressed lately about school cause the courses are really hard and i dont know if i wanna stay in school or not. i wanna go to bible college but i dont know if i candle it or if it would be too hard for me and i also found this good website that i wanna take some courses at but i dont have any money and im tired of relying on my grandparents i do want to move out and be on my own but im not sure my grandpa will let me. I miss you a lot i hope things are going well for you and that your enjoying yourself in quebec. maybe one day i come and visit you or you can come and visit me i hope i see you again someday email me anytime you want to talk your friend always alice

3:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry i post twice and now three times lol

3:54 p.m.  

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