Tuesday, February 21, 2006

dsl Isa cette blog est dans anglais seoulment

This has been a weird week vraiment. Oops mixed the French and English again sorry. It stared out with the weekend dad hadn’t taken his pills for a few days and I had no idea once ever, since I live in the kitchen and them in the living room. (Can anyone guess where my computer is?) And I was in a bad mood myself for a few reasons Isabelle brought her friend “the mouth” with her and she wants to be the boss all the time, listen I already live with one boss don’t need another!!! Second Don was asking me to work miracles on the computer finding things on the web. Third I was being a waiter on top of it all. When I’m working on too many things at once with people interrupting me I get angry easy and dad called me and when dad calls you answer immediately so I answered “What” but with a slightly raised voice and that set him off big time.

It only went down hill from there. Dad was in a bad mood all night and took it out on us all. When Melanie was done getting her tattoo I had decided I wanted one too as dad had said b4 he would pay for my first one, but he said there wasn’t time for it as Melanie’s tattoo took so long, I said ok a little pissed. Now for people that know me, my choice for a tattoo would come as no surprise it’s a picture from a pamphlet from my old church depicting the hand of Christ breaking the bonds of death holding the keys to life in his hand. In the morning dad said to me that I could get my tattoo when his back is going to be finished but I told him a little roughly it was too late I wanted to bond with my two sisters by getting my first tattoo at the same time they got their first tattoo.

Directly after that dad went to the living room and talked to Diane and Melanie saying that I was jealous of him paying for their tattoo, but I wasn’t I wanted to bond with Mel and Isa, since I decided to get a tattoo.

So in the morning when I was saying good bye to Melanie she didn’t give me the customary good bye in Quebec, by kissing me on each cheek. Instead she gave me a cold shoulder due to the talk dad gave her.


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