Wednesday, June 14, 2006

When did hospitals change from saving lives to killing machines?

Every time the doctors talk to my step mom they want to pull the plug or stop feeding dad. Excuse my language but WHAT THE FUCK!!! They say that dad's talking is just mumblings; sorry but I heard him talk plain French. They say that he doesn't recognise anyone, but he knows my 2 sisters and my step mom, we know that cause we asked him. He doesn't recognise me yet and when I tried to give dad a kiss yesterday he started freaking out.

I went out to the bar last night for a pepsi and to shoot some pool and updated dad's friends there on what is happenning with dad. It was tough as dad and I were there just before the accident, but it was good for me the same. I bought dad's friend a beer and played dad's faverite songs on the jukebox and had a little cry and let the rage out on the pool balls, suprised none of them broke.

keep praying for dad and my family and also for my sister val she is recovering from a partial hysterectimy. Also continue to pray for kristen and her family. Also pray for a solution for Kristen with school and money.



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