Monday, June 05, 2006

Abandonned in Valleyfield

Diane asked me if I needed anything in Valleyfield so I went to check the prices to fix my car. Diane took off for her sisters place and left me waiting in the car for 6 hours. I had to phone my sister to get a ride home to get my car, tonight I'm sleeping at issabelle's place and tomorrow moving all my stuff to serges and demanding my rent back as I paid $300 for the month. I tryed to help diane out but all I get in return is shit. I'm tired of it vraiment fatigant!!. Please continue to pray for diane as I will continue to do. I still love her like a mother sorry bout that mom. I also love you too mom. continue to pray for the family and the dissions we will have to make espeacially me.
Thanks everyone.


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