Saturday, June 10, 2006


Dad is out of the coma! He talked and laughed with us today. We unplugged the IV today and started feeding him liquids via a tube installed in his nose running down to his stomach. 2 hours later we told him we were leaving for supper. When we got back to the hospital dad was sleeping, we started joking around about whipped cream filled jambusters(dad's favarite) and he smiled. then we continued and he started talking to us in french.

Just b4 he smiled I said a prayer for the Holy spirit to flow from me to dad just like the lady with the problem o bleeding when she touched Jesus' garment. Right when I finnished praying is when dad smiled. Hence the huge thank you to our Lord!



Blogger Kristen said...

That is so awesome Eric- what an answer to prayer!!!

May God continue to heal your father, from the inside out!

10:08 a.m.  

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