Patience is a virtue
Well, thought I was leaving for Quebec today but it's a no go prob be leaving on Saturday. I just wish I had budgetted better I figured I had only the weekend left so I bought 2 pizzas to last me the weekend. Totally out of food for now, but thenk God I have some change in my piggy bank to buy some food for the rest of the week.
It will give me some time to clean up my place and enjoy the time at home alone b4 moving in with my dad.
I managed to get a load of my stuff to my dad's place already only 2 loads left to go;). Part of me can't wait to get to Quebec the other part of me is scaired shitless. lol What if I can't speak frech well enough to get a job out there? Oh well guess I should leave the worrying behind and trust that my Father God will help me out with that.
Talk to you all later,
It will give me some time to clean up my place and enjoy the time at home alone b4 moving in with my dad.
I managed to get a load of my stuff to my dad's place already only 2 loads left to go;). Part of me can't wait to get to Quebec the other part of me is scaired shitless. lol What if I can't speak frech well enough to get a job out there? Oh well guess I should leave the worrying behind and trust that my Father God will help me out with that.
Talk to you all later,