Sunday, June 04, 2006

Once again people offered my step mom condolances

When ever this happens she has a really tough time and in turn it goes back to me, and I have a really hard time. Today again she said if dad dies I am out Christ! Sorry bout using the Lord's name in vain there it was a direct translation. What I would like to do in this blog entry is pray with everyone since God's word says were 2 or more are gathered in my name I am there also.

Lord Jesus you are Lord of Lords, King of Kings and the creator. We thank you for your support and love, but most of all for the gift of salvation. Thank you Lord for saving us. Now Lord we know that you created all things and know every hair onb our heads and that you also know every proton and electron that are in our cells, so Lord we ask that in you infinant power and knowledge please repair dad's brain and make him normal again or end things fast so we can get on with our lives and go through the morning process.
Lord I pray for Diane my step mom she really needs a hug from you Lord comfort her and give her the strength to get through this. Lord I also pray for myself as there is a lot of tension between Diane and me please Lord help both of us through this. Lord I also pray for my sisters Melanie, Isabelle, Valerie and Bev that you would help them all out through this time of hardship.

Lord I also pray for Kristen's mom and her family as she battles skin cancer once again, help them through this time and bring the joy back into thier lives as well as ours.

Lord I also pray for my oma she has bone cancer and it is hard on her and the family, we ask that you clean out all the toxins and mutations and make her whole again. Also help out all my family in manitoba.

One last family to pray for there was an accident a little further down the road were dad and I had our accident, the car went off the road on the other side and went into the river there one young man lost his life. I pray for the friends and family of that young man that you may wrap your loving arms around them and comfort them. He was also a friend of my sister Isabelle so she's having a double hard time.

Lord I also pray for my church as they are going door to door over the next month in rivier baudette I pray that your hand goes with them and that many people get to know to you through this experience.

And last but not least thank you Lord for being there for us all and for such loyal friends who continue to pray for us. It makes a huge difference knowing that I'm not alone.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray and ask that your will be done.


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9:24 a.m.  
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2:53 p.m.  

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